
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Biggest loser: tradie style - Health - News - Melbourne Leader

Biggest loser: tradie style - Health - News - Melbourne Leader:

"STU-E Corkran couldn’t have been happier for his tradie mates to call him a loser.

Mr Corkran, 45, lost 21kg, to edge out seven other tradies and earn the title of the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union’s biggest loser.

In the final weigh-in at a construction site at RMIT University today, Corkran tipped the scales at 93kg - a shade of his former 114kg frame.

For his weight turnaround, Mr Corkran won a trophy, a $5000 travel voucher, and the right to brag about wearing lycra.

“I’ve been riding the pushbike into work as part of my training and I’ve worn the lycra into construction sites,” he said."

1 comment:

  1. you know how important it is I know this is the big thing in most discussions. I do feel though that talk about the scheme has been a bit hijacked by people who want to ditch helmet laws, and as most of these seem like super keen bikers, with their own bikes, are they really worried about the scheme? Bikes Sale Melbourne
