
Monday, May 30, 2011

The wooden bike – an engineering marvel, a recipe for saddle sore | Kirsty Ennew | Environment |

The wooden bike – an engineering marvel, a recipe for saddle sore | Kirsty Ennew | Environment | "We've featured a bamboo bike on this blog before, with thick sections of the segmented grass used for the tubes, joined with resin and finished with traditional components.

But the SplinterBike is something far more exotic – every single part is wooden; wheels, frame, gears. Even, painfully, the saddle.

Not a single bolt or screw has been used, nothing metal, plastic or rubber.

At 31kg, and with one fixed gear and no brakes, it's unlikely to win awards for practicality, but as an engineering exercise it's a marvel.

It began as a £1 bet last year between joiner Michael Thompson and friend James Tully as they watched the Tour of Britain zoom past Michael's front garden."

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Take Action « Helmet Freedom

Take Action « Helmet Freedom: "You can do something about mandatory helmet laws and it doesn’t take much effort.  If you believe in helmet freedom – that helmets are good but helmet laws are a disaster, then here is what you need to do:"

Take Action « Helmet Freedom

Take Action « Helmet Freedom: "You can do something about mandatory helmet laws and it doesn’t take much effort.  If you believe in helmet freedom – that helmets are good but helmet laws are a disaster, then here is what you need to do:"

I am not a criminal! - Sydney Cyclist

I am not a criminal! - Sydney Cyclist: "It all started back in January when I received a ticket for riding without a helmet. Then I got another one. After some umming and ahhinh, I decided to contest them - I just wasn't prepared to be branded a criminal for doing something that harms no-one, and delivers benefits to society.
So yesterday I had my day in court. Going to court involves a lot of hanging around, but my case was finally called and I went to the appointed courtroom at the Dowling Centre. It was a small courtroom, and the only people there were myself, the prosecutor and the court clerk. Whilst waiting for the magistrate the prosecutor and I got chatting, and it turned out he was a cyclist too, and he commuted in from Gordon each day. All very jolly.
Then the magistrate arrived, and we were off. The prosecution outlined the evidence (essentially just the citations I have been given), and the magistrate turned to me."
"Cycle campaigners responded to the AA's helmet give-away on Friday by staging a Highway Code give away for drivers.

As staff from the motorists' organisation distributed corporate cycle helmets and hi-viz tabards in central London on Friday (15 April), CTC staff and volunteers showed them what they should have been doing - giving copies of The Highway Code to drivers.

Cycle advocates were concerned that the AA's focus upon vulnerable road users risked misrepresenting the sources of road danger."

Friday, May 6, 2011

Bicycle GT IT1

Bicycle GT IT1

Mountain bikes with internal gear boxes have been floating around the fringe of the industry for ever. Enter the GT IT1, a mountain bike using internal gears from one of the world's most recognised brands. What is it? How does it work? How does it ride? Well, we've got our sticky hands on a pre-production model - so you can bet we're going to do our best to find out.

Zeroed G-1 – a radical shift in mountain bike engineering

Zeroed G-1 – a radical shift in mountain bike engineering

The Zerode G-1 mountain bike incorporates a mid-bike-mounted internal geared hub

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Zeitbikes Longhaul Electric, for when a Shorthaul isn't enough and your in need of some extra power. Price $2350 plus delivery anywhere in Australia.
